Mental Clarity and Your Morning Routine

Recently, my family and I went on vacation. It was the first trip for our family of four where we weren’t visiting extended family. We brought food, clothes, toys, everything you can think of to make our trip as easy, fun and relaxing as possible (yes I am a planner!). My husband I were tired from school drop offs and pickups, working from home, navigating the current climate and family matters. We were tired from always being “on” either at work or at home with the kids. The vacation was designed to be a getaway with the only goal to break free from our current routine, to be in a new space and enjoy one another.

At home, I follow a morning routine most mornings: I get up before the rest of the house, move my body, meditate or practice breathwork. Then, I clean up my space and make hot lemon water. It sets the mood for my day. I feel energized, accomplished, and ready to begin the morning rush of getting my children together and on time to their respective schools.

Photo by David Mao on Unsplash

On the first morning of vacation, I did not get up before the kids. I did not meditate or stretch or set an alarm. I laid in bed until I heard my son calling for me, went to his room and we cuddled and talked about pirates. When my daughter woke up, I brought her in the room with us. The three of us played and then ventured out into the house to open the blinds, make hot lemon water, cut fruit and stretch and roll around on my yoga mat. We moved slowly and focused on one thing at a time. To my surprise, I felt accomplished, energized and ready for the day – even though my morning routine looked different than at home.

How could this be? When I skip morning movement or don’t take time for breathwork or meditation at home, I feel behind, rushed, foggy. As the day went on, I realized that the parts of my morning routine that fuel me, inspire me, and improve my mental clarity were still a part of my morning – I just did them in a different way.

You don’t need an elaborate morning routine to be nourished by it. It doesn’t have to occur at the same time each morning or even in the same order. Your morning routine should be simple and full of the things that clear your mind, feed your soul, and serve you. This could look like:

-       Movement
-       Meditation
-       Journaling
-       Gratitude practice
-       Hot beverage ritual
-       Breathwork
-       A hot shower
-       Setting your alarm a few minutes later rather than hitting snooze

Take a look at your current morning routine. What about it serves you? What about it brings you joy, clears your mind and prepares you for the day ahead?

What about it drains you? Depletes you? Leaves you feeling anxious or foggy?

Now, imagine what would happen if you let go of the parts of your current morning routine that do not serve you and you embrace the parts (or a new ritual) that does serve you.

How would you feel as you step into your day?
How would this routine improve your relationships? Your job?

One fulfilling ritual is more important than a fancy, time-consuming or draining routine.

So, what’s it gonna be? What is the one non-negotiable part of your morning routine that will boost your mental clarity and have you jumping out of the bed with joy? Go and do that every day.


In health,

Lindsay Coward, MPH
Wellness Professional + Corporate Yoga Instructor


Want to incorporate breathwork, yoga or meditation as a part of your morning routine? Check out our Virtual Membership for access to guided sessions on-demand.

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Lindsay Coward