Feeling overwhelmed this holiday season?

They say you can’t pour from an empty vessel. Perhaps yours feels empty though, or limited. Maybe it’s been a tough year or you’re feeling depleted and burned out from the grind. Give yourself permission to fill your own tank, and to show up with a full vessel, using our two steps to sustained wellbeing.

Step one: Set an intention (what the heck is that?)

An intention is a word or phrase that cultivates an aim or purpose. It is a gift to yourself, of whatever it is that you need right now. This year. This month. This week. This day.

How do I set my intention?

First, notice. What do you need today? This week, month, or year? What do you want to aim or plan for? What do you want to cultivate in your life? In what area are you struggling? For example, if you’re feeling scattered, your intention could be, “To stay focused” or simply the word, “focus”. If you’re lacking energy and motivation your intention could be, “To have energy and feel motivated” or simply, “Energy and motivation”. Notice what you need in your life right now. Is it forgiveness, letting go, being open, gratitude, strength? Your need is anything that speaks to you in your current phase of life, personal or business. Once you’ve come up with your intention/focus, write it down.

Step two: Create an affirmation (what the heck is that?)

An affirmation is a positive assertion or statement of truth. Affirmations are powerful. They help shift your mind into believing and living a truth so that the truth becomes your reality. Affirmations are calming and guiding.

How do I create my affirmation?

Once you’ve set your intention, shift it to an affirmation, or affirming statement, that will propel your intention forward. For example, if your intention is ‘focus’, an affirmation could be, “I am focused in all I do” or “I see myself being focused throughout my day”. If your intention is ‘energy and motivation’, affirmations could include, “I wake up with energy and motivation” or “My daily rituals are energy-inducing and motivating”.

Write down your affirmation and place it where you will see it:

On your refrigerator

At your computer

On your nightstand

On your calendar or phone

Use it as a bookmark

Put it in your wallet or bag

Put it in your car

…write it down numerous times so that you can see it throughout your day. When you see the words, speak your affirmation. Say it out loud and in your mind. Say it before you start work for the day, when you get out of bed, after lunch, and anytime you feel worn, overwhelmed, lost. Repeat your affirmation until it feels second-nature, a part of you.

Lindsay Coward
Founder of Yoga Nut


Lindsay Coward, MPH, is a Wellness Provider and Corporate Yoga Instructor living in Asheville, NC with her husband and three children. She is the founder of Yoga Nut, a worksite wellness company that supports teams through building wellness culture, improving team connection, and providing tools for stress management. When she’s not leading a wellness session or filming for Yoga Nut on-demand, you’ll find Lindsay outside in nature, eating local, or playing with her kids. Learn more!

Lindsay Coward